Today, Jackson and I had a minor traumatic experience that led to a beautiful revelation and deep thought by my precious 5 year old. I have to share. Also, I hope to initiate a moment of self-reflection by doing so.
We were heading home today, pulling out from a side road onto St. Rd. 135, just a few minutes from our home. Jackson spots a beautiful little box turtle, unfortunately sitting in the road. Of course, his tenderhearted, animal loving self, shouts, "Mama you have to save him!".
...............yes. I do.
I turn around and find a driveway right next to where the turtle is innocently sunning himself on a busy state highway. I park quickly, instruct him to stay put, and hop out of my vehicle, quickly walking toward the road, as there currently were not any cars coming from either direction. Suddenly, and literally out of nowhere, an oblivious or perhaps grossly inconsiderate individual, in a large SUV, comes flying by and hits the little innocent turtle, making a horrid popping sound and sending his shell and all, hurling well over 20 feet into the air. He lands with a breath taking thud which is only overshadowed by the traumatized screeching of a 5 year old boy, who witnessed the entire atrocity.
In the very moment, I experienced a conflicting amount of rage met with sheer sadness for the heartbreak my little guy just felt. He was so very sad. All I could do was hug him and tell him how sorry I was that Mama wasn't faster in getting to the turtle, and proceed home.
The tears continued for awhile. Then he looked at me and asked, "Mama, why do people not care more?"
................................Sweet boy, I have no idea.
It stung. It also caused me to really think about just how much we as a society have drifted away from caring, from being present, from even being aware. Why aren't more people truly aware, tuned in, and concerned with the little innocent turtle sitting on the road? And is this reflected in how little we are truly aware, tuned in, and concerned with the people sitting right next to us? I would argue that it absolutely is.
Please just take a moment and do some honest self reflection... Put down the phone, stop with the Hurry Hurry, mentality, and take a moment to stop, see, notice, engage, appreciate, and maybe even save, the lives around you.